Donor FAQs

Invest2donate is a public company limited by guarantee. It is a registered charity established to operate as a non-profit for the purpose of improving the Giving Environment for donors and charities. It is a pure non-profit… no profit for any person or entity. We want to save the charity sector the huge costs of asking and re-asking, and we want to empower donors with an efficient alternative to spontaneous one-off giving. We make it easy to plan ahead and then set up regular donations over which you have complete control. It’s Donor-Initiated, Recurring Giving.

Donor-Initiated, Recurring Giving is an alternative to spontaneous giving usually as a result of direct marketing and cold-calling, such as expensive mail packages, telephone calls, street-stoppers and endless emails. Rather than donate in response to these very expensive types of fundraising, donors plan ahead, select their charities and causes, and set up regular donations, so charities save the costs of asking and re-asking. And Charities love regular donations because predictable funding allows them to do more good things. Donors have complete flexibility to vary or cease at any time and do not have to pre-commit a large amount of money to a foundation.

The costs associated with running Invest2Donate and its website to date have been privately funded.